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Brimington Road - Chesterfield, Derbyshire


Stage -              Feasibility

Style -        Contemporary

Footprint -            9600m² 

Build Cost -            £10M

With this site being contained within Chesterfield Council’s Waterside Basin Square Masterplan, we have created our design for 138 apartments within the context of future regeneration of the entire local area.


Particularly focusing on views of the River Rother to the North-East we have shaped the proposed structure into a broken U-shape to give as many of the apartments as possible this desirable aspect.


Using locally measured stone we have tied the external style of the building to the Chesterfield vernacular and further integrated the design into the fabric of the town with extensive landscaping at ground level to create a vibrant public boulevard along Brimington Road. 


Adjoining the Brimington Phase I site, Phase II of the project would form a second 185 apartment scheme in the Waterside Basin Square Development. Neighbouring existing tall structures afforded us the possibility to build upwards and open up new views of the Chesterfield skyline for future residents.


Situated within a key transport hub, with strong road and rail links we have designed the apartments alongside retail and office units making for a truly mixed-use site.


Continuing the success of Brimington Phase I we have made use of local stone to connect the design to its context within the town. Our scheme conveys the civic strength of a landmark building with its bold archways marking the gateway to a future regenerated neighbourhood in Chesterfield.  

© Copyright 2018 Swish Architecture Ltd.

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